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Facial Hair Styles

How to Grow A Horseshoe Moustache

How to Grow A Horseshoe Moustache
Writer and expert6 years ago
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The horseshoe moustache is certainly a statement facial hair style; so much so that you’ll often see it referred to as the Hulk Hogan moustache.

This cowboy-inspired moustache style features two distinctive long bars of facial hair pointing downwards, often extending all the way to the chin.

Although the horseshoe moustache enjoyed peak popularity around the 1970s, bold facial hair has been making a comeback in recent years; with the right grooming tools and a little bit of shaving know-how, you can bring this look into the 21st century.

How to Grow a Horseshoe Moustache

To grow a perfect horseshoe moustache, you may have to put up with a full beard or with looking slightly unkempt for a few weeks, until you’ve got enough facial hair for shaping on your upper lip and on the area joining your cheeks and your chin.

During this stage of growing a horseshoe moustache, there’s no need for your ‘tache to creep over your top lip, getting in the way of your mouth. Keep your moustache trimmed while you’re growing the rest of your facial hair, using the Gillette All Purpose Styler and Beard Trimmer.

How to Shape a Horseshoe Moustache

To be able to call your moustache a horseshoe moustache, you need to remove all of the facial hair from the centre of your chin, from your upper cheeks and from your beard neckline. A true horseshoe moustache will have hair along the upper lip and two adjoining curves pointing down towards the chin.

Shape your horseshoe moustache using the Gillette All Purpose Styler, cutting down longer facial hair using the trimmer function first, before using the ProGlide Razor Blade that the shaver comes with to get a clean shave where it’s needed - remember to prepare and protect your skin with shaving cream before getting started with the razor. Finally, use the precision trimmer to create precise edges for a well-groomed ‘tache.

Make sure you’ve always got a fresh Fusion5 ProGlide blade to hand by signing up for a Gillette shaving subscription to get blades delivered direct to your door. Newer, sharper blades will give you a closer, more comfortable shave and help to prevent shaving cuts. What’s more, it’s free to sign up - you just need to pay postage and packaging.


Finish your moustache grooming with a post-shave routine, taking care to use an aftershave product to soothe and hydrate your skin after shaving to reduce your risk of razor burn. This will help to keep all eyes on your horseshoe moustache for all the right reasons.

How to Trim a Horseshoe Moustache

Regular trimming is key to a defined, statement horseshoe moustache. The Gillette Styler comes with a choice of three interchangeable combs (2mm, 4mm or 6mm); start with the longer trimmer comb and experiment with moving down through the others until you find the length that’s right for you.

Take your time and take just a little bit of your ‘tache off at a time. If you’re rushing and too heavy-handed, you could risk taking a huge chunk out of your moustache, meaning you could have to start all over again on your journey to a stylish horseshoe moustache.

Depending on how quickly your facial hair grows, you may have to trim your horseshoe moustache every few days to keep yourself looking and feeling as sharp as possible.

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1 year agoBy Gillette
Writer and expert
View Gillette's profile