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How to Deal with Beard Knots

How to Deal with Beard Knots
Pauline Arnal
Pauline Arnal3 years ago
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Are your beard hairs more tangled than your iPhone cables? It's time to find a solution to this daily hassle. How do you remove knots that have already formed or prevent them from forming? Here are all the tips you need for a look that's more chic than sloppy!

In order to get the beard of your dreams, you've decided to let it grow untouched for several weeks/months. Not a good idea! As the hair grows longer and is left untrimmed, it can become tangled and sometimes become a real mess. So how do you solve this problem, which can be very annoying? Here are some answers!

4 Tips for Untangling Your Beard in Style!

Without going as far as picking up your razor, there are several ways to untangle the knots in your beard. Here are the 4 most popular solutions for men with facial hair.

1. The Beard Brush or Comb: The Essential Tool

Beard Knots: Tips for Removing Them | Gillette UK

Like your hair, beard hair needs to be groomed. The most common accessory is the beard brush. This soft brush allows you to style the least rebellious hairs to prevent them from becoming tangled. If the knots have already formed, you should nevertheless invest in a comb that is especially for this purpose.

What's The Right Way to Use A Beard Brush?

Follow the direction of the hair (from top to bottom) and if it really tugs or pulls, stop to avoid the risk of breaking the hair or the comb! If detangling is going to be tough, you can soften the knots of beard hair with a little King C. Beard Oil,

2. The Hairdryer: The Barber's Trick

How to Remove Beard Knots with A Hairdryer | Gillette UK

The trim is finished, and it's time to style! If the brush and comb aren't enough, you'll have to pull out the hairdryer like a hairdresser. The first step is to wet your beard. If you haven't done it yet, wash your beard thoroughly, for example with the King C. Gillette beard and face wash.

Then, by directing the hot air downwards, dry and brush your beard at the same time. Using a gentle motion with your fingers or a comb, the knots should no longer put up any resistance!

3. A Visit to The Barbers: The Fun Part

A Barber Can Remove Beard Knots Easily | Gillette UK

Don't feel up to dealing with this problem yourself? Then a barber is the best option for dealing with knots, contours and facial hair care. In a few minutes, they will make your beard look better than ever. But if you don't want to blow your beauty budget, you should take care of your beard at home every day!

4. The Beard Straightener: The Last Resort

How to Remove Beard Knots with A Beard Straightener | Gillette UK

Beware, it is not recommended to use this solution on a daily basis. If heated too often and too intensely, the beard hair can become brittle and break. However, for long and unruly beards, it can be a real help from time to time! On dry hair protected by a heat protection spray, slide your mini straightener along the length of the hair. A stylish look is guaranteed!

But before you do that, it's best to follow the adage: prevention is better than a cure. So here are the right ways to prevent knots from forming.

How to Prevent Knots from Forming in Your Beard

Regular beard care is a must! Like all the steps in your skincare routine, grooming should not be neglected. The first thing to do is to clean your beard carefully. With a dedicated product like King C. Gillette Beard and Face Wash, you'll remove impurities that have built up in the beard during the day. It will also help protect it from daily damage and make the hairs more supple.

Other good products to use in conjunction with a brush or comb should not be overlooked. Beard oil should definitely be part of your daily routine. If you use it every morning after washing or before going to bed (and leave it on overnight as a mask), it will make your beard softer and silkier.

Apply Beard Oil to Prevent Beard Tangle | Gillette UK

Taking care of your beard also means trimming it regularly. Even if it's just a few millimetres, you'll avoid letting the hairs curl and tangle with each other. Controlling your mane (even a long one like Aquaman's) is essential. All of these good habits will make your beard hair smoother and softer, which will prevent knots from forming.

No more barbarian beard!

Pauline Arnal
Pauline Arnal
View Pauline Arnal's profile
Pauline is a French fashion and beauty journalist who spends as much time singing in her bathroom with a brush in her hand as she does on Instagram spying on celebrity accounts.