Face Shaving Tips

How to Grow a Beard

man looking at his beard in mirror

How to Grow a Beard – Beard Growing Tips for Men

If you’re thinking about growing a beard, there are a few things to consider before you start. First off, it’s important to know which beard style is right for you. Depending on your face shape, this could be a Goatee, a Balbo, a Gunslinger, or something else entirely. Next, you’ll need to understand how to get through the itchy stage, learn how to trim a beard, and master the art of keeping it clean and healthy.

If you’re one of the many men who’ve entertained the idea of growing your facial hair out, but aren’t sure how to grow a beard, then don’t despair. Gillette is here to share everything there is to know about how to grow a beard and keep it well groomed.

Choosing The Right Beard for You

With so many beard styles out there, there’s sure to be one that’s perfect for you. Whether you like a shorter look, or want a fully grown-out beard, knowing which style will suit your face best is a great first step.

Face shape is certainly something to consider before you start shaping your beard hair or growing it out. You will also need to think about how long you’re willing to spend grooming in the morning and whether you want a low-maintenance style or something more challenging to take care of.

Take a look below at the types of facial shape and the beard style that suit them best.

  • Round Face: Longer hair at the bottom and shorter on the sides will help to elongate the face and give a more chiselled appearance.
  • Square Face: Shorter hair near the chin and thinner on the sides will suit this face shape.
  • Oval Shape: This face shape will pull off most beard styles, so don’t be afraid to try something a little different.

Getting Through the Itchy Phase

The itchy phase of a beard is something that every man dreads, but it does happen to most of us who choose to grow-out, and it can last anywhere from 1-2 weeks. You can help to avoid the itchy phase by making sure that the skin is fully moisturised before you start shaving. When it comes to the shave, using a beard trimmer and styler that allows you to get a close shave will also help to ensure that your hair grows evenly to minimise itch.

After the shave, keep the itch at bay by cleaning your beard. Badly conditioned beard hair and dry skin is a recipe for an itchy beard, so clean it once or twice a week with a beard shampoo and be sure to get any moisture out afterwards so that your skin doesn’t dry out.

After cleaning the beard, you can moisturise to keep the skin and hair soft between shaves, and try a beard oil to minimise irritation.

How to Trim Your Beard

Using a comb attachment to trim your beard will help you get that nice, even look. Control your beard’s length using one of Gillette STYLER’s three comb attachments (2mm, 4mm, 6mm). It’s best to start long using the largest comb; you can always go shorter. Make sure you even-out your beard, making a few passes for consistency.

Next, you can remove the comb attachment and trim to define the shape you’re creating. Trim the parts you’ll eventually shave away completely to a much shorter length. Trimming hairs before shaving can help reduce tug and pull while shaving, and can help prevent shaving irritation.

How to Trim Your Moustache

Trimming your moustache is slightly harder, but can be achieved with the Precision Trimmer. Take a look at the steps that you can take – these apply to all moustache styles:

  1. Comb your moustache through
  2. Cut any unruly hair with scissors
  3. Trim the edges of your moustache with the precision trimmer

How to Shave Around Your Beard

If you want to shave parts of your face for a clean finish, you will need to rinse your face and beard with warm water and lather up with shave gel on the parts of your face that you want to shave completely bare, including your neck and cheeks.

Simply attach the razor blades attachment onto your Gillette STYLER handle and shave with light, gentle strokes to give yourself a close shave. Any Fusion5 blade refill fits STYLER.

Since facial hair tends to grow in different directions, you will almost always be shaving both with and against the grain. An advanced multi-blade razor like ProShield will help you get a comfortable shave even when trimming against the grain.

How to Create Beard Definition

After you’ve made the major adjustments to the shape of your new beard, it’s time to take care of the finer details. You can use the Precision Trimmer on the back of the Gillette STYLER to define the lines along your cheeks and sideburns.

Then simply wash your face with cool water and pat it dry. Rub in a hydrating aftershave to replenish moisture and soothe your skin. Using a lightweight beard oil will also help to soften and moisturise your beard to keep it looking amazing for as long as you keep it.

Beard Trimmer Guide

Face Shaving Tips

Beard Trimmer Guide

2022-12-14 15:10:59By Gillette



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