Whether you want to know more about dermaplaning cons or the considerable upsides of removing unwanted grime and hair from your face and neck, this guide contains the most important dermaplaning benefits and potential downsides. If you've heard there are dermaplaning side effects, would like to know when dermaplaning isn't appropriate or you simply want to be better informed, read on. This guide contains all the essential information you need to know.
What Is Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning is an effective skincare method to exfoliate and remove fine facial hair, dead skin and grime. With the Venus dermaplaning range, you can obtain glowing skin with instantaneous, salon-like results from the comfort and privacy of your own home. When considering the dermaplaning pros and cons, it is worth bearing in mind the Venus Facial Hair & Skin collection offers a complete skincare routine to help you prep for each dermaplaning session as well as assisting with skin recovery and all-important rehydration.
Dermaplaning Pros
1- Removes Facial Hair
To begin with, dermaplaning exfoliates as well as removes facial hair effectively. When you make use of the Venus Facial Hair & Skin Care Exfoliating Dermaplaning Razor, you will be able to remove unwanted hair from your cheeks, upper lip, chin, forehead and neck straightforwardly and with no specialist skills. You can also use it to remove so-called peach fuzz, the very fine hairs you might have close to your hairline or ears, another important example of the sort of dermaplaning benefits you can expect from the Venus Facial Hair & Skin range.
2 – Enjoy Smooth Skin
If you want to obtain healthy-looking skin with the sort of glowing results you might expect following a professional facial treatment at a salon, then the Venus Facial Hair & Skin dermaplaning range has you covered. Certainly, the Dermaplaning Razor Blades that make up part of the range yield significant dermaplaning pros given how easy they are to exchange whenever you need to replace one. With its built-in Skin Defence Guard, each blade respects your skin, helping you to achieve smooth skin even if you are new to dermaplaning.
3 – Quick and Easy
Unlike other hair removal techniques you could opt for, dermaplaning is incredibly quick and easy! This is especially so if you prepare your skin before a dermaplaning session with our preparation serum, l formulated with skin-loving ingredients like niacinamide, cucumber and aloe. Although you shouldn't rush a dermaplaning session at home, it is a relatively fast process, especially when you get used to regularly cleaning your dermaplaning razor as you make progress over your skin.
4 - Suitable for Most Skin Types
Dermaplaning benefits nearly everyone who does it regardless of their skin type. That said, people with particular skin conditions, such as eczema or acne should avoid dermaplaning until their skin clears up. Does dermaplaning cause acne? No but you should not put a razor in close contact with broken skin until it recovers.
5 - Improves Appearance of Skin
When weighing up dermaplaning pros and cons, it should be added that a major advantage of this practice is that it not only improves the appearance of skin but does so instantly. Thanks to the exfoliation effect of dermaplaning, your skin will look healthier and more glowing immediately after a session. To maintain this look, apply some Venus Facial Hair & Skin Care Post-Shave Hydration Serum for a refreshing feel and revitalised appearance.
Dermaplaning Cons
1- Results are not permanent
Of all the potential dermaplaning cons you need to think about, the fact that this type of treatment – whether at home or in a salon – isn't permanent is the most telling. Of course, not all hair removal methods are permanent so this isn't a true downside compared to shaving, for example. That said, permanent hair removal methods exist if that is what you're looking for.
2 - Not suitable for acne-prone skin
Another noteworthy thing to consider when talking about potential dermaplaning cons is that it isn't something you should do on broken or recovering skin. You can find out more about how to shave with acne-prone skin in our useful guide. The main thing to bear in mind is that dermaplaning side effects include potentially irritating outbreaks of acne further. However, dermaplaning won't cause acne on its own.
3 - Might cause irritation
Some people may find that they are susceptible to skin irritation following a dermaplaning session. This is one of those dermaplaning cons that doesn't affect everyone, but it is worth knowing about. The best way to avoid potential irritation after shaving is to moisturise your skin thoroughly after dermaplaning. We recommend the Venus Hydrating Face Serum which is made without dyes or fragrances, and which is suitable for all skin types for post-dermaplaning skin hydration.
1 - How Long Do the Results of Dermaplaning Last?
One of the main dermaplaning pros is that the results are instant but also long-lasting. Typically, you'll enjoy noticeably smooth, silky skin for up to a month after a home-based treatment, but this is dependent on how quickly your hair grows back!
2 - How Often Is Dermaplaning Recommended?
This will depend on the individual and how quickly their hair grows back. Note that it is a myth that hair grows back thicker. For most women, this means dermaplaning at home once a month is sufficient.
3 - Is Dermaplaning Just Like Shaving?
Dermaplaning is like shaving but Venus's full dermaplaning range means you'll obtain benefits for smooth skin that go beyond mere shaving, like post-dermaplaning hydration! One of the major dermaplaning benefits on offer from the range is glowing, exfoliated skin that's also hair-free.